Thursday, 11 October 2007

Studio 60 on the Sunset Hoyay

I'm not sure I've yet found a picture that does justice to the hoyay and general life-partnerishness that was the Matthew Perry/Bradley Whitford pairing on the late, lamented Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

But this shoulder-kiss that Whitford gave Perry on the red carpet is rather cute:

As is this one of Perry reciprocating:

Then there was the man-hugging on Leno (sadly no longer available on YouTube).

Not to mention the quotes from Time:

Perry and Whitford have fantastic chemistry; squabbling but loyal, Matt and Danny are like a long-married couple but with more passion.

And from

Danny's just enjoying the pristine sense of calm that comes with sitting in the back of a cab. Matt ambles by and knocks on the roof and says, "We're doing it." Dude, we know. Oh, the show! He means the show.

And from the actors themselves:

Jumping in so quickly after The West Wing, I did sort of feel like I was cheating, but I felt like I was having an affair with Matt [Perry, his Studio 60 costar]. It's more of a masculine man bond. Matt said that we're having a "bromance".

1 comment:

segsig said...

You need to get a screencap of the beach scene from "The Focus Group". In a recent interview Brad said he misses his "bromance".