Wednesday, 10 October 2007

True Hoyay

Credits are in order here. This utterly awesome music video, featuring footage from the 1991 drama True Colors starring James Spader and John Cusack, was created not by me, but by someone called Fayzabeam, who posted it on YouTube. Hopefully she won't mind me posting it here, in tribute both to her editing skills, and to her great taste in music ('Black Velvet' has always been a favourite of mine).

This is the kind of video that, just when I think I have fallen out of love with hoyay, makes me fall back in. The long, lingering, burning stares. The romance that always stops just short of a kiss. I haven't seen the movie, but judging from the footage here, I think it's probably safe to say that Messrs. Spader and Cusack knew what they were doing. Sirs, I salute you. You have created hoyay, and you have made it beautiful.

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