Tuesday 29 April 2008

One Tree Hoyay

I can't be bothered to watch One Tree Hill since they wrote out their one canonically non-heterosexual character, Anna (Daniella Alonso), so I don't know the particular situation that led to this "hilarious fake-gay spooning!"

But - if for no other reason than that it involves Chad Michael Murray - it is kind of hilarious. And, awww, kind of cute.

1 comment:

Saltyla said...

Hey L! Great blog as always. I am ashamed to say that I DO watch OTH regularly - this shot is from a dream sequence at the beginning of one ep, which had characters dreaming about each other. This sequence also ended with two of the female characters in bed together, one saying to the other 'wanna make out?' and then them leaning in to do it (and then the dreaming ends). All good. And this show has had a lot of subtext b/t two main female characters (Brooke/Peyton) over the years as well...fingers crossed for more text-text someday!